Algorave, Goldsmiths Algorave | Clojure | Gig | Goldsmiths | Monome | Python 08 February 2019 Live Coding @ Tezla Python | ICLC | Live Coding | Algorave | Gig | Max for Live 26 December 2017 Algorave, Morelia Algorave | ICLC | Python | Live Coding | Max for Live | Gig 28 November 2017 PEAL Revisited Max/MSP | Cycling '74 | Python | Monomatic | PEAL | Arduino | Kinetica 29 August 2013 Fusion Programming: From Python to Clojure and Back Clojure | Field | Python | Java | Jython 19 February 2012 Loadbang Reloaded Max/MSP | Monome | OSC | Python | GitHub | Maven | Groovy | Shado | Java 22 December 2011 Coding for the Cathedral: Dreamhub at Vor Frue Kirke Max/MSP | Lysets Lyd | Dreamhub | Copenhagen | Vor Frue Kirke | Python | AudioCubes | Ableton 05 December 2011